1-5 WORKSHOP Matters Lab 2016
Summer Workshop 2016
기간: 2016년 6월 중 (3주간)
Topics of MattersLAB 4 is Sound. In this workshop, the sound is a medium to understand, organize, and
to create. Through the five senses, we perceive the worlds around us. Among those five senses, things we hear, sound, convey both implicit and explicit information of the world as it is. Understanding (with) sound covers broad spectrums ranging from understanding materials, environments, and actors (Humans). Just as information scientists mine data to find insightful information to turn it into knowledge, participants collect, understand, and re-produce floating sounds in the urban spaces to translate its raw-ness into designed outcomes.
*Brown University 문학 전공, 현 MIT 건축대학원 재학 중인 건축가, 조각가, Stage 디자이너 Jeffrey Landman 교수와의 수업.
1-5 WORKSHOP Matters Lab 2016
Summer Workshop 2016
기간: 2016년 6월 중 (3주간)
Topics of MattersLAB 4 is Sound. In this workshop, the sound is a medium to understand, organize, and
to create. Through the five senses, we perceive the worlds around us. Among those five senses, things we hear, sound, convey both implicit and explicit information of the world as it is. Understanding (with) sound covers broad spectrums ranging from understanding materials, environments, and actors (Humans). Just as information scientists mine data to find insightful information to turn it into knowledge, participants collect, understand, and re-produce floating sounds in the urban spaces to translate its raw-ness into designed outcomes.
*Brown University 문학 전공, 현 MIT 건축대학원 재학 중인 건축가, 조각가, Stage 디자이너 Jeffrey Landman 교수와의 수업.